Monday, January 17, 2011

A Life lesson

Yesterday Ben decided that it was time for Sam to learn how to make ...
Yes, it's true.  This is an important skill!
So Ben collected a few things and sat Sam down for the lesson ...

A bowl of SuGaR
A few shakes of CiNNaMoN

Stirring together {this is serious business}

Proudly turning over the spoon to his student.

So cute ... even though I was cringing a little bit about what kind of mess they might make ;)  Ben is quite the baker in our house - we all LoVe the CiNNaMoN RoLLS he makes on Sundays - the mess afterwards is something we are still working on :)


Kathryn S. said...

He makes them himself?! Yum! Too bad buying cinnamon rolls from Ben aren't as easy for us Georgians as buying a wallet!