Friday, December 31, 2010


 It's the most WoNDeRFuL time of the year!

 Trimming the Tree

Christmas Jammas

Baking Cookies
{this even lures our teenager away from his electronics}
Our favorites are ...
Gingerbread, Candy Cane, and Sugar Cookies

One happy boy!
Santa brought him Black Ops, a Soccer Jersey and a Snuggie {which he LoVeS!}

Santa brought Susie a camera {now she can take pictures like her mama} one of her another favorite gifts was a Pillow Pet.

Sam was super happy with all his presents ... a Cars Racetrack, a Razor Spin Out Trike, and Bright Blue Skinny Jeans {to name a few}

 and then there was a SuRPRiSe from Grandma, Grandpa and Clark ...
 Everyone is having a lot of fun making HooPs and trying to WiN!

After that Christmas Morning was all about cousins and GG's making our traditional scones!


We all had a MeRRy, MeRRy, CHRiSTMaS!