Sunday, July 18, 2010

WARNING: Picture Overload

Lake Powell 2010

This years trip to Lake Powell was truely an adventure.
7 adults,  8 kids and a baby
The weather was wild!  It was HoT and then SToRMY!
We had rain that caused waterfalls off the canyon walls.  We were hit with a bedtime wind storm which sent our beds and sleeping bags flying into the lake.  
(we recovered most of our things, but it broke our electric mattresses, soaked pillows, and Susie's sleeping bag SUNK!)

In spite of that ...
we ventured farther than we ever have,
hiked HoLe in the RoCK,

a lot of the kids KNee-BoaRDeD (some for the first time),

bounced on the BaNaNa,

floated on SNap,

had lots of WaTeRGuN WaRs,


discovered a SeCReT CaNYoN that you could only get to by jet ski,

played on the BeaCH and on the houseboat SLiDe,

found a ZiP-LiNe,

and had lots of fun riding the JeT SKiS!

As always ...  MeMoRieS for a LiFeTiMe!!