Monday, June 28, 2010

Exciting News

Susie has been busy making calls to share her exciting news ... She got her ears pierced!
After several failed attempts (since she was 7 or 8),
Lots of anxiety,
a Little bit of teasing,
All of the sudden, out of the clear blue, she told me she wanted her ears pierced ...  at that was that ...  no big deal ... she said it didn't even hurt!
She can hardly contain her excitement at all of the earring possibilities!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Camp Winton

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The boys are home and they had a great time!   Ben and Ethan both earned 4 merit badges - WAY TO GO! 
I think the highlights were earning merit badges, the canoe trek and eating cobblers! 
Ethan and Ben both earned the "Tracking Merit Badge" which has been brought back especially for the 100 Anniversary of Scouting - they followed animal tracks and ended up with some great pictures of animals and birds! 
Ben persevered at the archery course, when others gave up, so that he could qualify and receive that merit badge. 
They also swam in freezing cold water! 

What We Learned Today

On Sunday when we are eating lunch or dinner we talk about what we each learned at church that day.  Today Sam's response was priceless.

Steve had asked Ben what his Sunday School class was about ... and while he was trying to remember Sam said,
" We learned about Jesus today!" 
"He wasn't 'dar' (there)"
"but, if we get died we wants to save us!"

I love the things these tiny kids tell us about what they learn from their sweet primary teachers!

One of my favorite pictures of Christ
by Minerva Teichert "Rescue of Lost Lamb"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Little Fish

Swimming lessons with Robin started this week and the kids are having a great time learning from the SWIM MASTER!  Susie is perfecting her strokes and a flip turn!  Sam is learning the front stroke and diving to the bottom of the pool for toys!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Big Show

Susie's dance studio performed at the Mondavi Center in Davis, CA last Saturday.
She and her Musical Theater class were Starfish in Alice in Wonderland. For the past few weeks we have had practices, tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals and pictures all leading up to the BIG event. We had 13 pages of instructions to get us through this event - serious business!
Here she is getting ready for her big night ...
( parents weren't allowed at the dress rehearsals or backstage ... so I will have to scan those in when I get the official portraits )
The Low Bun
Ready for the show!
Her best girlfriends came to watch!
The Mondavi Center The show was amazing! All the classes were represented from Ballet, Tap and Jazz to Hip Hop and the costumes were fabulous. Susie had such a great time, I am sure she will always remember it!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day is Cancelled!

... Dance Recitals, Soccer Tournaments, Scout Camp, Life, Me Speaking in Sacrament Meeting, Family Visiting, Etc. -- with all that going on I sorted of cancelled Father's Day. Don't get me wrong ... we love Steve and think he is a great Dad! We asked what he wanted for dinner and I picked it up at the store :) (Grilled Salmon + fixings with Homemade Icecream for dessert) but, with so much going on - he grilled, made icecream, checked all the scouts and there gear in, and even unloaded the dishwasher ...
[I don't feel too guilty because he will be at Scout Camp on my birthday]
Now he is packing his backpack for Scout Camp and I am cleaning up, and blogging ;)
Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Friends Get In Free!

We decided to head down to Marine World again because
A) no one had any sort of practice or committment and
B) we only had about one more week to use our Friends Get In Free Passes.
So Ben and Susie both invited a friend and we headed down for another adventure filled day (Sam was wondering where his friend was?) Exhausting ... but, FUN!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Getting Caught Up

[Adding some sewing ... very advanced ;)]
[ Loving Raimi's Kit of the Week Layouts]
I have been busy getting some scrapbooking done ... and now I need to get my blog updated (mostly for my journaling purposes).
The final numbers of our (my mom and me) latest scrapbook session were:
Susie 28 pages
Ben 30 pages
Sam 28 pages
What is even better than that is that we have caught up all three kids to about May 2009! This may be as close as I have ever been to 'caught up'. Hooray!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I found this so applicable ...

What will you do during the Soccer World Cup this summer?

Your husband is CRAZY about Soccer and you already feel anxious about the World Cup being the NUMBER ONE priority in the house?


Come join me for my first 4 week class : you will learn many techniques (my favorites!), you'll be inspired by trendy color combos, you'll be in love with new sketches, and you'll participate in the most fun, colorful, technique workshop you've ever taken!


a private blog with workshops posted every Tuesday and Friday with exclusive and brand new layouts made by Céline

· new color combos twice a week

· new sketches posted twice a week

· TWO new techniques posted twice a week

· inspirationnal posts posted every week

· my "soccer" and "non-soccer" thoughts and feelings (always in a funny way)

· what's going on during the World Cup with a different look to it : get to know the countries that participate int he World Cup

· VIDEO tips and techniques!

· access to a FLICKR gallery for you to post your beauties

· TWO live chats where you'll be able to ask your questions

· full supply lists of products used on my projects

and all this for a WHOLE MONTH!!!

And, the icing on the cake, for the BIG FINAL game, your last class will be a FULL mini album class because, hey! It's the WORLD CUP! :)

And you'll be able to order the kit if you want to.

Don't feel like you HAVE to watch the Soccer games, get READY TO SCRAP!


I might need to take it ... I think my husband qualifies as a soccer fanatic!!!